In all of these pictures the horses have too small of shoes and uneven toe length.I am discussed that farriers can do this kind of work and charge money and go home and sleep at night. I wounder where these farriers are learning there trade. I believe that the north American schools are failing there students and the horse owners. When a student goes to a farrier school and all they learn is blacksmithing skills I don't believe that they are getting the wright skills. What they should be learning is proper hoof balance and anatomy. In my 30 plus years as a farrier I have fixed hundreds of horses by just simply balancing there feet.
Hock Injections
Do your horses feet that look like this.If so they have a serious balance problem.
The pic on left shows high on inside,the pic on right shows too small of shoes and under run heels.
I had a customer ask about hock injections as preventative maintenance. I was shocked too here that people are doing this. When it is so easy to keep your sound just by proper hoof balance. Why spend hundreds of dollars on injections when it can be fixed with proper shoeing.
Same horse balanced too it's natural bone structure. Using just bigger shoes on hind. I believe we can fix any lameness problems by balancing our horses too there natural bone structure.
When I was down in Texas going to rodeo school I had to get my black horses hocks injected every month. Since I have been going to Ian Zoerb I have not had to have his hooks injected or use any drugs.
Hoof Crack
Question by Tiffany Rozumniak
I have a gelding who has had a toe crack for probably the last 5 years or so. I have had numerous Farriers shoe him and say that is the only way to fix it. However even though the shoes would make it look like it was gone and healing, there would always still be a hairline crack right from the top. My most recent farrier shod him and he kept losing shoes and his feet seemed to be crumbling so I had him take the shoes off. He told me there would be no way to fix this crack. I have attached a picture below and was just wondering if a stitch could be used to fix this crack?
I believe that a stitch would fix this crack. The problem with just shoeing the horse is the foot will expand with the horse's weight. If you just put a shoe on it, it is going to stop it from expanding at the bottom, but it will continue to expand at the top. This will prevent the crack from healing completely. If it is stitched just above the crack, you will stop it from expanding at the top. When you were having trouble with the feet crumbling, it is just from using too small of shoes and rasping off too much hoof wall.